Wednesday, August 02, 2006

pass it on

Because it may be a while I am going to leave you with the absolute truth to chew on for a while. What is coming next is the core of self evident truth, my notes from a David Hawkins lecture I went to. If you study these things and bounce them around your most sensitive truth sensors, then relate these things to your everyday living experience, I assure you it will bring you at least a pinch of peace of mind, most likely a whole heap. How much depends on how much you give it. Give it a lot; it will give you more back.

David Hawkins notes I believe…

There is an absolute to which everything is compared, this is Divinity, and you can picture it as a field of infinite power. The field is non-linear because causality doesn’t exist, it is merely an illusion.

What causes us to perceive phenomena is our location in the field.

This indicates that even though we may not be in our body we are located centrally somewhere on some plane of existence to which everything else is compared.

The spiritual will, the Intent is what creates potentiality in the Field, and then the power of the field turns the potentiality into actuality.

Be that which is lovingness.
All that’s needed is to be as loving as possible. You don’t have to hate vanilla in order to love chocolate. You don’t have to hate sin, just love virtue.

Out of oblivion you suddenly come into existence. It’s annoying to exist, then instantly the fear of non-existence.

That which I Am existed prior to all universes.

All that stands in the way of the Presence of the Infinite is the illusion of the little self.

Had some difficulty containing a sense of self in this world.

Sitting in class the sense of personal I disappeared into Hisness.

Obsessed with the Truth and scared of Sin.

It isn’t so much that you make things happen, it’s that you make things not happen. You’re not dancing, you’re not not dancing.

How did the ego arise? What is it?
The reason you can’t get rid of it is because you repressed it so you don’t own it anymore. Life began when the universal field interacted with matter. Consciousness becomes life when it meets matter.
Life is spawned in an unfriendly environment so it’s programmed for survival.
When life emerges at its primal form it has the capacity for getting energy, so it goes out and has to get energy.

If we were all colored green we wouldn’t need anything, we would be sinless. Wouldn’t need anything from out there.

The first thing that experiences that it is is bacteria.

Below 200 you see the basic innocence of consciousness because they don’t have control.

All men choose only the good
Therefore there is no evil
They only think what’s good in the moment
Which isn’t really good.
“forgive them father for they know not what they do.”

The Principal of Intention

To set up ego with sin and vilification is the downside of the Gothic Christian Era

The Ego does what it has to do because it thinks it needs to do that to survive. So how we solve it is with ACCEPTANCE instead of labeling it and then repressing it because of guilt. 85% of people in the world are incapable of telling the truth.

We have equality by virtue of the divinity of the source of all, our Creator.

Evolution is not sequential; sequential is how we witness.

Nothing has any cause, there is no cause.

There is no event to explain because there is only a continuum.

Every thought arises out of Nothing, therefore it’s not caused by anything.

A > B > C > D
^ ^ ^ ^

you don’t look between thoughts for glimpses of eternity. The focus should be on the substratum, on the nothingness out of which all things come.

Our mind’s are 99% quiet and we’re hypnotized by the 1%

Out of silent nothingness arises and you grasp at it

When you look at it just prior to thought you catch it there.

Caught it because I wan’ looking for it.
The Connection

Transcend notions of perpetrator and victim

Comparing calibrated levels of consciousness is in comparison to the Absolute Divinity.

Content Field Context

Humility comes with the capacity to fence of denial, the courage and integrity to state things as they are.

The wise transcend the ize and the seduction of thoughts and images to hypnotize.

Lower mind vs. higher mind

Mentalize, not think
Rhetoric is mentation, not thinking

• Aristotle said there is the integrity of the speaker, the integrity of the message, the integrity of the Audience

The world is not rational

Unconsciously everyone knows when they’re being lied to

Truth has power
Rhetoric looks pretty

To think dualistically you have to split the one into the dual; this and the other.

Darkness is not the Absence of light, it is the Absence.

The Absence of Truth

Cold isn’t the opposite of hot, it’s the Absence

Eventually we have to let go of the this and that, me and you.

The Progressive Fields of Revelation

Light of Consciousness
Manifest as Allness/Self
Unmanifest (Godhead)

To be with the field
Has an immediate reward

You cannot stay within the same paradigm.

You’re either anticipating the future or in fear of the past, as long as you live on the crest of now you don’t have any problems.

It’s not possible to have a problem unless you’re manufacturing it yourself.

Living in the reality of the instant
So you live as the field and not the content of the field

If you don’t resist the wave
You can stay on the edge of the knife.

Better than meditation is contemplation because you identify with the Field.

As the ego collapses it’s like tissue in a fire.

Below 200 people don’t have individual karmas, “group think”

Above 200
Kundalini energy comes
Instead of seeing content you see wholes

Above 200 the person has personal karma

The Spiritual Will is what sets our enlightenment
The Etheric Brain
This energy effects our experience of the world

Spiritual commitment instantly shift
This commitment is a surrender
Admit mistakes, make them right
This instantly changes the whole world
Information comes in differently
You become a different type of being

Kundalini energy
The miraculous begins to happen all around you, but of her own accord.

We swoop together.
We are all destined for enlightenment

Does feeling like God make you God?

Raise the level of the sea

Accept that the power is within myself.
Love in honest

You go through a high pass and you can see who’s been there. The temptation of silent knowingness.

All power is yours, own it, you can exploit anyone

Who would want all this power over people? Because of our karma we simultaneously serve each other, we are karmically drawn to people who can help us.

The distribution of Aids is the consequence of an energy field. The field pulls things to it.

-to commit yourself to a premise changes everything. You pick up what goes with that field. Count your blessings. Leave the world a little bit better than you found it.

The ego feeds of negativity because it has no energy of its own.

Passivity invites aggression

Own the power then feel free to love

There needs to be a cultural commitment to integrity.

Calmness, recontextualizing
Recontextualize, recontextualize

Healthy self attention

If you make a covenant with me to tell the truth, to not judge, to help each other be happy, I’ll make that commitment. But if we’re just going to get by and fuel the motions, I need to step away and pull my self together.
We can rebirth this thing.

How can I grow?
Switch to making statements instead of only asking questions.

Truth is tough to take.

I can no longer cater to your positionality.

Incredible how fast the mind changes when a new conviction comes into place.

Own the power
I own the power to be happy

It’s arrogant to speak to people outside of their level

The application of consciousness research is that in the moment of truth is instant peace.

Truth trumps goodness.

Power comes from that which you are,
Not what you say and do.
Be what I am.

The mind isn’t thinking anything.

The way to God is through devotion, surrender to God.

You make your life a meditation by sanctifying it to God.

The experience in yin not yang.

Be the field, make my life a prayer
Stop resisting
You become the prayer
You become the mudra
“to thee, oh lord, do I lay down my life out of devotion.”

You surrender your desire to control
You stop worrying about pleasing everybody
Stop being a slave to pleasing everyone

You’ve got choice but that’s different than control

Stop controlling
It’s a lifestyle, a way of being
The contemplative lifestyle is, in a way, grace
It’s a graciousness
Live as though God were a guest in your life
How would you live your life if God’s grace was always intuitive grace

Everything lays down its life for the life above it

Always ask “in the name of the highest good…”

I was hurt so I sunk down into my defensive self
I recommit myself to the health of all life
The beauty of all things.


Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

Hmmm, exploit. That word makes me to better understand...did Hawkins himself use it?

Cole Suttle said...

yes but he was using it in the context of a warning. absolute power corrupts absolutely, he said that too. i think his point was be wary of the powers you seem to gain when you tap into your kundalini. always remember its the power, not you, that has such power over people. karmic weight still applies.


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