Tuesday, August 29, 2006

been going to sleep forever

You wanna know what’s eternal? Going to sleep. Going to sleep and then waking up having started over. Every day, since forever, the earth has been spinning, and the sun always goes down and then it always comes up. I mean always, and I know its not good writing style to use strong universal expressions like “always”, but I mean it, the sun always comes up. Think about it. What else do you know that has always done the same thing since close to forever ago? The moon? I’ll give you that one, but it’s incredibly hard to wrap your mind around. It’s so big. As humans we can only go so big, can only handle so much. We only have so much space to occupy and something’s are just so big its outside our realm of understanding. I’m not complaining about this, I sure as hell still try to wrap my mind around some super big ideas, I’m just saying I’m humble enough to know that even the most I can know, the biggest amount of true knowing, which is a lot more than I do right now, still isn’t as big as it needs to be to understand the whole of existence. My point is that that’s ok, its still worth trying to move up or forward from wherever you are this go ‘round.

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