Tuesday, August 08, 2006


It’s lightening but its not raining outside. It smells like cut grass and it’s a full moon tomorrow, its cloudy in between, and lightening. Silent lightening. Don’t forget about the silent lightening. All fields from the creek to the road are cut and bailed, and the big field from the orbs all the way to the house hasn’t been touched yet. They cut the field in front of the house, across the driveway but house side of the creek, today- and so its in those long rows that go all the way across the field and then turn around and go all the way back. All the while staying in your one little “row.” it’s a good thing to do and think of the Labyrinth while you do it. The other option is to walk all the way, and I mean all the way around the edge of the field, and then on the second loop take one step towards the center and walk all the way, all the way around again, one step down again, rinse, lather and repeat. Or you can go pick up rocks. That’s a really good one too. Faith can move a mountain, someone told me that.

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