Saturday, September 23, 2006

hunt for heady people

Sometimes, somewhere along the way I meet people who inspire me to want to communicate with them because there is some part of myself I want to get to know better and these people, these very special people, they magnetize hidden parts of myself and pull me out and towards them. They impassion me to poke and pull and massage the meeting of our selves just to see what comes out, because if it’s special, its all vibrating very high. I know myself by what I spill to others, especially by what I spill to those special people who inspire me to communicate my experience with them. How I learn the most, however, is by listening to them. That’s the way I really get off. That’s the secret, that’s what I’m really looking for- heady heady people to listen to.
It takes a particularly heady person to make me want to sit and listen to them seeing as how I’m rather heady myself if I do say so myself, and I have to, say so myself that is. I’m one of the headiest people I’ve met (I’ve been trained to say that), but I’m always looking and hoping to find those people that are even headier than me, and when I do, I want to just sit and listen. Ask and poke and awe of course, it takes two to tango, but there’s a difference when you’re the one listening. It’s so nice and calm, no pressure, just be the sponge. Of course the rub is that you always have to be true to your highest self, your headiest self if you will, and when you find the people you want to listen to you’ve got to make sure you want to listen to them when you are your highest, headiest self. Your integrity is everything, you are your own eternal judge, there’s a thin line beyond which you really cannot fake, so I must be true to myself, and your self, your heady heady self.

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