Saturday, September 09, 2006

At a certain point you are who you are.

I'm down in florida for the weekend so updates are hard to do. Went and tried to swim against full moon currents in the atlantic ocean yesterday, it was a full body experience. Now here are some things to think about.

What if a person’s tastes could change the essential qualities of things?
There is this boy who has a religious experience. He loses control of his soul, touches a level of truth so deep it changes his color scheme. He became aware of the moments as they passed, not as they happened. In an instant Johnny became aware of the pulse. Everything was shiny and shimmering because he was in perpetual existence; he no longer saw time as a series of frames from a slideshow, he saw life in fluidity. When he talked to people he would sort of plug into them and could perceive their thoughts underneath their words.
At first he was scared, overwhelmed. He didn’t feel like he deserved to have all these gifts of perception. Perhaps “gifts” is not the right word. Responsibilities.
Why me?
He came to covet it and understood.
Is personality memory?
The Faucet Theory- Everything comes into the universe from one point and ripples out from there, expanding outward.
The tree is free because it knows where it stands.
Words are just jarble
Threatening to make sense
Language is a punch line
The carrot to the hare
Habit makes a fool of us all

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