Monday, July 10, 2006

headache free

In grandma talk for the day Mollie asked her if she had any Tylenol because she had a headache (look at the expression on her face when she’s talking to Grandma) and grandma said she may have some but she wasn’t sure. Mollie went off to look and while she was gone grandma told me, “ You know, I’ve never taken a Tylenol because I just don’t get headaches, but I guess there’s some around.”
“Wait, Grandma, you’ve never in your whole life taken a Tylenol?”
“Tylenol? You know I really haven’t. My whole life I never remember getting a headache except for those three days before my heart attack. I remember telling Pop, ‘now I don’t want you to cry over me but my head hurts like the dickens!’”
The story behind this is that one time in 1984 I believe Grandma was in the car next to Pop when her heart stopped, “right about where the fruit stand on Hwy 26 is.” Pop was screaming at her to wake up is how I’ve heard the story and he redlined it till he got to the closest house with a phone to call 911. But what’s incredible, and I mean this is amazing on all sorts of levels but Grandma probably never thought twice about because that’s how humble she is, is that her heart restart itself. That’s right, it stopped for about 3 minutes they guess and then it restarted itself. What is the symbol of a heart that restarts itself? If you know Grandma, it kind of makes sense. It’s weird and it’s not a rational understanding, but you understand. The woman never in here life remembers having a headache except the few days before he heart stopped. The level of purity her is amazing, and Pop wasn’t allergic to anything, and I thank God for the stock I came from and feel like such a wuss for ever having taken a Tylenol.

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