Monday, July 10, 2006

full moon in the background

The cousins got in town at about 4:30 am Sunday morning so when I came over to pick up grandma for Sunday School they were already here. Sunday school was great but it’s strange to study the Bible from a faith based perspective after I’ve been crunching it academically looking for underlying patterns and hidden deceptions and double meanings for so long. You know, you can get a lot more practical advice from the book if you just take it for what it’s worth, so I tried that this week and it really worked. I choose to be joyous, as do you, so don’t forget and get down.
We came back, I cooked the boys a hearty breakfast of sweet corn and eggs, hash browns and bacon, and then we got to it farm style. Tyler brought an unbelievable number of fireworks. I am not at all exaggerating when I say three large trash bags full. Those started to get lit off nonstop for the next 10 hours I would say. We hit up Piggly Wiggly for Bar-B-Q fixin’s, had a monster roast, and then we went down to the dock and some of us got on the boat. Lance, Tyler and me went out on the boat and started lighting off fireworks from there, which wasn’t the safest and brightest idea, but it was quite a rush nonetheless. I had the djembe and beat along with the explosions, a firework soundtrack if you will, and we all had a great time.
Brooks and Mollie were on the dock when they looked down into the drain and noticed a turtle was stuck at the bottom of it about 15 feet down. At that point, given their affection for aqua-terrapins and the mystical fog they’ve been bringing with them lately, the mission became rescue 911 meets arts and crafts as we had to devise a way to get the turtle up and out.
Brooks went up to the garage and rigged up a sort of grill-scoop on the end of a long pole and they tried with that for a long time but there was this blasted root/branch that kept getting in the way and we couldn’t get to the turtle. I suggested we just get a bucket and fill up the drain with aqua and float him to the top, but that didn’t work because, well, it’s a drain. The water drained. Then brooks decided the angle of the scoop is off so he went back up to jerry-rig a new pole contraption, but the darn branch was still there. Brooks was 100% committed to rescuing that turtle at that point, and he new he had the perfect tool to cut the branch at Nell’s house, so he got in the car and drove over there to get it. While he was gone though, Josh used his scoop and told the turtle to climb in the basket, which it did, and was able to successful extract the patient from the drain. Molly cheered up, we put him in the bucket, and now he’s in the fountain up by the house that Pop made.
We were worried he wouldn’t have anything to eat, but incredibly it seems the two frogs that had moved into the pond while Pop was laying by the picture window must have spawned because there are a bunch of tadpoles in there now. Wow! Life!
So then Brooks suggested we get a few tadpoles and put them in the old red-eared slider turtles cases that we weren’t using anymore since brooks got the 55-gallon tank- and hatch a few more frogs while we’re at it, yeah? And so now it’s today and I suppose it’s just a matter of time before it happens.

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