Sunday, October 09, 2005

This Moment is a universal pulse of perception, then becoming then, now becoming now.

There is a difference between hard and soft convictions,
A distinction between elastic assurances cautious of incoming data,
And fundamental certainties institutionalized with dogma
In the collective forgetting of a society saturated with
Thirty-second attention spans and pick of the week morals.

I sleep in a new room every night now, and sometimes I don’t sleep at all.

Another greeting with the sunrise
Beat me up before I ever laid down
Somehow this all feels normal now
As if I’m meant to live in doubt

Squishing out sub textual tension means
Absorbing all your animosity for a moment,
To be still. For a moment
Your feathers weather rough winds but you feel Alive!
Dropping behind you filet’s of the mastodon
We gripe, but are happy you remember us.

Words rely on the reeling senses
To make sentences of color and feeling
Small enough to wonder whether
It is to be expressed
Or known.

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