Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Labyrinth

Mind Gulp

The placebo effect is working itself into a
Calculated paradox, rising expected new frontiers
Collecting the arrows of physics and micro-science.
The hypothesis points to phenomena outside the box
Shaking a foundation built with eternity in mind,
Or at the least the very present
So many rationales betrayed for ridicule, labels
To make crowds more organized.
By now I know it’s as much my fault as anyone else’s-
My ancestors are yours.
But the receded vision shows there is only One
Pregnant with all of us.
Babies do kick in the womb,
I feel the slumber of my heart’s sun
Restlessly waking to rise east to west again,
Tonight another evening of chance to fulfill
Another canvas, to cast a masterpiece
Elevated enough to catch the Masses’ child soul again,
Younger You to remind your runaway train
Cages are made of false freedoms.



Writing my inspirations instead of experiencing them
is my fundamental split from the Universe.

I am never here nor there
I am observing
from in between.

Tuesday, Dentist

What is the center of my being
if all I ever think about
is how I can only think about
what I want to do?

If I am thinking about being happy
I am not happy,
I am thinking.
Where am I going to from?

Home Zen

Compassion is taking the time
to unbutton your dress shirts
before you throw them back into the dryer
because you forgot to take them out of the washing machine for a day
and they smelled like mold
so you washed them again.


Ganja, or better known to non-Rastas as Marijuana, is used for religious purposes for the Rastafarians. They find its use written in the Bible in Psalms 104:14, "He causeth the grass for the cattle, and herb for the service of man". The use of this herb is very extensive among the Rastas not only for spiritual purposes as in their Nyabingi celebration, but also for medicinal purposes for colds and such. Other names for it are Iley, callie, and holy herb. Following are a few of the many Biblical texts that Rastas embrace as reasons God, or Jah, gave them the use of the herb:
". . . thou shalt eat the herb of the field " (Genesis 3:18)
". . . eat every herb of the land " (Exodus 10:12)
"Better is a dinner of herb where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith" (Proverbs 15:17)
“He Causeth the Grass to Grow for the Cattle, and Herb for the Service of Man” (Psalm 104:14)

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