Thursday, December 29, 2005

does it work this way too?

1. Wear soft clothes because girls really like to rub up against soft clothes.
2. How many times a day do you actually look at yourself in the mirror? I mean look right into your own eyes in the mirror?
3. The Afternoon depression sets in.
4. Your psychic girlfriend is real, believe it.
5. Start from the inside and work your way out.
6. Follow the guy in the red shirt.
7. Trust that feeling you get in the back of your neck.
8. Some people are late sometimes, but sometimes it’s because they really take their time.
9. Get healthy.
10. Be Out-front with It.
11. Come to meet everything that you know.
12. If you’re bored, either clean up your room or Create something.
13. Go! Go Johnny Go!
14. That’s what I used to do. That’s what I’m used to doing.

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