Saturday, April 01, 2006

naive as a defense


Where go I get the gumption to break out of this thing again? Its clearly time but I can’t seem to escape myself and all my clinging to lesser pleasures. But not to the lessest of pleasures by any means, so I do pretty well all things considered, but I’m still praying for salvation like the rest of us. Most of us. What most of us used to do. Where do you live? What do you do?
It’s so silly the way we try to capture the infiniteness of things in the finite pathetic humor of represented words. Sounds maybe, but words, especially written, are traps at best. Not at best, there I go trapping myself again, prompts would be the ideal use for words. Words are prompts, certain words are certain types of prompts.
We crashed I burned but then I learned to keep my eyes on you. Haha the way they pull it all together. Ain’t that the way we pull it all together? The sipper locking clasping teeth of this life we lead in this trembling freedom of uncertainty and doubt and half steps and whole steps an over steps. I need to just lay it all out I suppose. What’s the appealing factor?

“Mini motifs of invisible love
Flow into me baby flow into me”

That’s a nice color.

Isn’t it crazy god seems to talk to the atheists the most?

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