Monday, January 09, 2006

the future is now

and I'm off to Utah, what treasure's await? wait, i think i've already found them...


I wanna sing it to my sisters and my brothers
Just keep the faith,
When the storm flies and the wind blows
Go on at a steady pace,
When the battle is fought and the victory is won
We call all shout together,
"We have overcome!"
We will talk to the Father and to the Son
When we make it to the Promised Land.

Walk together little children,
You don't ever have to worry,
Through this world of trouble
We gotta love one another,
Let's take our fellow man by the hand
Try to help him to understand
We will all be together just shakin’ our asses
When we make it to the promised land.

Our Bible reads,
"Thou shall not be afraid
Of the terror by night
Nor the arrow that flies by day,
Nor for the pestilence
That walketh in the darkness,
Nor for the destruction
That waiteth in the noonday hour."

This world is not our own,
We're only passing through,
Our treasure's all laid up
Way beyond the blue,
Let's do the very best that we can
While we're traveling through this land
We can all be together,
Shakin' our hair,
When we make it the Promised Land.

Children, we can
Make it to the Promised Land,
We can all be together
For ever and ever
When we make it to the Promised Land.

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