Tuesday, January 08, 2008

local flavor

As it turns out Andy Goldsworthy, one of my favorite living artists, is fond of Aspen too. Rumor has it he has a house out here too, but that part I’m not sure of. He was commissioned to build a wall at the Aspen Institute here in Aspen a few years ago, and ever since December 24th the Institute has been showing an exhibit with a number of projects he did in the surrounding area while he worked on the wall. The Aspen Institute (http://www.aspeninstitute.org) is a sort of mountain think-tank that prides itself on being the cultural center of the valley. It hosts all sorts of lectures, seminars, and other events.

The exhibit is called “Two Creeks” because most of the works are done on two creeks. One is Woody Creek, which is just down the valley, and the other is Hunter Creek, which is right out the balcony! In fact, we live in the Hunter Creek condominiums, literally right up against Hunter Creek. When it isn’t frozen we can open the window and go to sleep to the sound of Hunter Creek from our bedroom.

I learned all this today when I went to see the exhibit and the wall for the first time. The wall you can’t really see because it’s covered in the 33” of snow we’ve received in the past 48 hours, but you can still kind of make it out. If you look to the back you can see the runs on Ajax Mountain too.

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