Monday, July 24, 2006

take a little sip from this big ol' jug

You never know how it’s going to start, but you’ve got to be expecting it. Knowledge is power, but character precedes knowledge, so work on it. Get you’re timing right. In a field of grass the waves don’t slosh over the edge of my boat as much during the stormy seasons, and I prefer it that way, water is wet. I prefer the dry seas of green to the deep unknown of your aquamarine. God is a Presence, a beloved, an old friend who knows you better than you know yourself in many ways. I often wish I had a lover like that. A lover who knew me more than I knew myself and forgave me for all my bumbling mistakes made in haste and uncertainty and fear, or because I’m bashful. I imagine the sea is a lover like that to some. I suppose I should go and meet the sea for my Self, but I’ve preferred the green waves for so long, surrendered it. Fight off your morning chill chill children, want to wrap myself in a shawl and cast away into the depths of the wonders of the sea. The deepest depths of the sea, sea green, of course, Of course. Now I see. Be analytical, keep your mind sharp at all times. Watch the way it folds back in on itself, watch the way it tricks your mind but not your soul with all those fancy words. Choose to be happy, choose the good life for your Self. Darling, I just can’t seem to get my brain started this morning. Take a little sip, just a little sip, from this big ol’ jug…

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