Monday, July 10, 2006

the bubble solution

Time works a lot like bubble solution/bubbles. (What is the relationship between bubble solution and bubbles I might ask?) It’s all coming from the same stuff, the solution, but no two bubbles are a like, like snowflakes, and people. For a myriad of reasons and factors one large breath may blow 100 different bubbles of different shapes and sizes and locations. The location plays a big role in the life of the bubble after all since you can see right through them. Where they are has a lot to do with what you see when you see right through them.
Moments too are kind of like bubbles, and when you have great “aha!” moments they are like great big bubbles. Big bubbles are like great moments. Moments where all the different angles and jigsaw pieces of your life come together for a moment and you see the bigger picture, you relate to your environment, you feel expanded, you get it, but just for the length of the bubble. Then like all moments all bubbles burst and your back to swimming in the puddle of time continuum solution before the moment comes along and you blow your next big bubble.

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