Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I am

Jumping back into it. I am going to jump back into it.

It is fleeting the desire you have to capture your thoughts for an audience, real or make believe, that you never really know. You don’t know who it is exactly, or who you really want it to be, exactly, but there is an audience you are trying to reach. There is a group you want to understand you. It is for you, it is for them.
There is a familiar energy building. A positive energy, at least it seems positive, but to what end or in what capacity it is coming or going, I really don’t know. To question it too much might ruin it. Like looking directly at the thing you are looking at, thus pushing it to the side of your vision. It is important to look at the important things from the corner of your eye. Be subtle about it. Come on slow. Don’t scare what you are really going for away.

We are the people dancing in the streets up here. The people still dancing in the streets despite the gloom, despite the economic clusterfuck, we are up on the hill and we are doin’ the boogie. We are the lucky one’s for sure, because I think it is a good thing for everybody that we still do the boogie. The light has to stay alive somewhere in the world doesn’t it?

I think it is important to have many different views on a single subject over the course of a lifetime. A lifetime is meant for renewed and refounded understanding of common, archetypal situations. One must be rigid to the degree that they do not sway the integrity of their purpose for discovery, and flexible enough to bend in the wind like a reed when it comes to situational clarification of the eternal invisible truths. In any case, I am very excited to be preparing to go see a Phish show again. All the doubts about the show towards the end seem to be erased, because now, everything is fresh to everybody, even in their own particular way. The slate was wiped clean and buried, but I guess the handle was left sticking out.

More to come as far as the reunion goes. The world has changed a lot in the last five years, let’s see how much the lot scene has.

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