Monday, September 18, 2006

The Current. This is the Current.

I went to Dallas for the weekend, that’s why I haven’t been posting, but lots has come into view the past two weeks, or come into mind, or come into peace of mind is even better I suppose. It’s late and I want to go to sleep so I’ll tell you all about it later, I think I’m ready to settle back into the farm groove for a while, but for now here’s what I managed to type down.

Reflections on the Weekend:

God bless good time old buddies. God bless what is truly yours, for within it lay your path to personal self realization, because that’s all there is to hope for, everything else is illusion. Your methods of perception are themselves the knot you must untie in order to see life as truly as it is.

God bless good time old buddies, where would we be with out them? How would we know who we even were if it weren’t for them? How would I have come to know my inherent blips any other way? Who else would call me out?

I think its ok for me to be doing this time on the farm. Moratorium, Barnard called it, is sort of like a period of time in the lives of a lot of people who go on to be widely influential writers where they kind of go into a granted period of gestation. He said to imagine it like a cocoon, where you go and you are sort of given permission to just kind of hang out and live lightly and figure yourself out for a bit. A time to really think about everything you learned in the first part of your life and pull all the good out of it like iron fillings to a magnetic so that you can net all your previous experiences into a single transcendental cap that is the present. An experience of the Presence is a beneficial experience for the soul that is consciously aware that it is inevitability seeking enlightenment, ultimately.

I’m either going to dig in right where I am and get ‘er done like I know I’ll have to before I get anywhere that’s really any other place than here, on this stage, where I am. True, I can move some place where there are lots of distractions and it will be easier to constantly skim over it more and more, or I can meet it where I am and continue to become more aware of just how conscious of my vibe I really am. The foundation isn’t going to change just because I keep throwing parties over the holes in the wall and in the floor so there’s never any time to notice really.

I think the most crucial thing I can do is become more patient with individual experiences in the present sense of the word and soak into the deepness of all it through the beautiful naïve bliss of utter awe and the etheric sensation of being in the presence of the divine that comes along with it.

The tricky thing is that it takes getting back into the state of mind I was in when I was a few years younger when I was having all the rawest and juiciest secret naughty thoughts about what I really desired to do way deep down inside, masked with a willingness to do what I thought and knew was the best action instead. Training myself to attach positive thoughts to the positive actions didn’t really come until later after my will had trained me well enough to make positivism habitual. You were taught one thing and naturally rebelled against it, which most likely left you sitting in the lake water of the other thing that’s the opposite of what you were initially taught, but now you see how you weren’t seeing a part of the whole earlier because the lens you were using at that particular time wasn’t as good as the lens you have now. The lens you’ve shaped and polished and sharpened and focused for your entire life, up to now. What does your lens for observing truth look like? What kind of filter system are you running in your aquarium, and by aquarium I mean your head, and by head I mean your single point of perception, and by your single point of perception I mean your equilibrium.

The art is to develop a sort of personal method/ritual to get back into conceptual communion with the overtone of a number of very high calibrating resonances.

from brooks’ blog-

“I was talking about how there is a seemingly endless list of projects and chores that you have in your mind, and how it's a constant process of completing one task while beginning another. The key is to balance the small jobs with the larger, more long-term goals. You have to learn to prioritize what you want to do in terms of the money and time and labor and knowledge it requires, to figure out what it is that you can do right now, and what is going to be the best use of your time.”

“You don't have to stop believing common-sense principles of life; that's not what I'm getting at here. What is being asked of you is to forego one's attachment to them as certainties. In order for something like kinesiology to enter into one's working model of the world around them, the possibility of it being a reality must be genuinely accepted. One must be open to it before it can enter.
This sounds simple, but because the implications of kinesiology require one to surrender just about every idea, concept, or pre-conception about life, the universe, and everything that is considered "normal", "rational", or "common-sensical" by our current society, there are many resistances within a person to having it actually become a reality within their worldview. Often these are subconscious, and though a person may purport to "want" it to work, and believe this wholeheartedly to be true, there may nonetheless be blocks, doubts, and apprehensions within their subconscious that must first be rooted out, brought to light and resolved before the person may reliably use kinesiology in their own lives. So look within your awareness for the things which, if someone stated them to you out loud, you would most likely respond with "well no duh, everyone knows that...”’

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