from 5.29
Brooks feels validated because mama nell smoked. Ha! Perhaps.
Went to waffle house today, searched around the farm for things to paint- found three big rocks, the lid of a bucket, four glass vases and a green glass serving dish, pieces of wood, a pole, some paper, a tree. Painted a tree purple, go look for that. Glow in the dark paint too, which I got when I went to Lowes and then Wal-Mart because it’s simpler there. I woke up at 8:30 and went out to the couch, feeling pretty restless. Watched an MSNBC report on Wal-Mart half asleep, so I guess it got into that really delicate, infinitely delicate headspace between sleep and awake. It took me a while to turn my head on this morning, waffle house did the trick.
I think that getting up and painting a picture during that restless period I experienced this morning would be an enjoyable experience and a good way to start the day. A free associative painting and whatever other medium I use to spill out what is bouncing around my head from the dreams or whatever headspace I was in just before I woke up, or got myself out of bed at least. Isn’t it funny the thought process we go through each morning to get up? That seems crucial but it’s rare I find myself really talking with other people about their experience inside their heads first, and I mean first thing in the morning. Everybody does it; nobody talks about it, hmmm, interesting. I wonder how many other universal things we each do and all do that are so intimate to each individual they are almost unnoticeable unless you know to look and pay attention to it. Observe the observer, hmmm? Internal processes we all do just to stay floating upright in this slippy sloppy sloopy world of aqua “reality.” Don’t you agree?
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