Friday, May 26, 2006

Technigritty Spiritual Pseudomatter or TSP

I wonder if he’s thinking, “That is my chest and those are my ankles and these are my hands, but these are not me. These are wrinkled, these have been used, used up, used up well.”
I hope he is, he deserves to.

“supper supper” pop says
“thank you thank you”

So the days just keep slipping by. Slipping by, slipping by, but they never really seem to loose their footing do they? I know I sure do, but the days, they seem stable. The days tend to act as a direct mirror of my potential in relationship to my intentions and my efforts. Funny to think these sorts of things are perhaps formulaic, but perhaps they are. Numbers and unabashed logic were never my forte, but I respect the fields and hope to learn from them soon enough.
My days are pretty much far from what they were, especially out there in Utah. It’s amazing how some times in our life cast light on long periods of time in our life, sometimes we come out of the fog of the monkey mind caught in the too rapid present and see a section, a piece, a collection, an intent, a pattern, an aim, the Way. Sometimes it’s just mental blotter but sometimes you fall on the truth and then it’s not even there after you pick yourself up. None but ourselves can free our minds.
It’s all going to be ok I know I know, I’m waiting for it to pass through, roll with the tide, punches come round often, don’t worry about the technigritty parts.
It’s the same as it ever was, so the potential to have experiences of great depth and width, just like the framing fathers of our society must have had, are still there to happen, to you, in your head, so you can share them with me. How else does one individual, with all their complicated ego nooks and crannies, come to be open for – if not the reception of truth, the recognition of it- from a state of consciousness that dissolves the walls and boundaries between things, theories, promises and lies? Travel by balloon, its so much harder than you realize to really get out from all the bunk waves comin’ at us everywherewhich angle. It’s a miracle, literally, a miracle to meet a true teacher that is pure and wise and unaffiliated in your lifetime.

The less we say about it the better
Make it up as we go along
Feet on the ground, head in the sky
Its ok, I know nothing’s wrong
Hi yo! I got plenty of time
Hi yo! You’ve got light in your eyes

Pop turns 89 on june 17th and I turn 23 on june 13th and if you do the math and we’re as blessed as pop is, we have more than most of half of our life to go still.

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