Thursday, January 05, 2006

sexicumpf in o6

And as the clock struck midnight, and then midnight :03 we rolled over and I got a really good feeling about going to utah to start my job as a full time ski lift operator for deer valley mountain next week…

string cheese incident

Imagine standing on a mountain top in Utah
Seashells at your feet
Ravens rising everywhere
Their crying fills the air
It's so hard to believe
That ten thousand years ago
Could it really be
Where you're standing was the sea?
She's cried out before
rising from her core
Now we're looking through that door

Is she going to Rollover?
Rolling over you and me
Rolling over could it be?
All the cities are going to be
Two Thousand feet under the sea
Rolling over you and me

Walking through the city of Jerusalem
They said it will be washed clean
It's getting pretty dark out there
No one doesn't seem to care
Looking for my submarine
A voyage to the ocean floor
To find a city lost in lore
So many things left unseen
Don't believe
We will have the final say
Cause she will always find her way
She might roll over
Rolling over you and me


We live for the moment our mental projections take on material vibration and our resolve to wonder at what we sense- but cannot explain- expands into a bath bomb of love. Bath bombs are great by the way. So much packed up into a sphere waiting for a sitting pool of warm water to dissipate and sprinkle with scent and submerge and submerging and submerged and submerging into the submerged and so on and so on and the subject and the object merge into one, ya dig?
What’s the difference here? I confuse myself thinking about it too much, but I don’t want to grow content in my cage and stop thinking about it. It puts me in a pinch.
Silly syllables.

1. Form is overrated.
2. Always walk out with wood.
3. Anonymous bubbles. Anonymous miracles.
4. Atmosphere is key.

appropriateness vs inappropriateness

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