Sunday, November 13, 2005

great ideas

So I’ve been cleaning out my room to make room for all the boxes from my old apartment that met me, waiting, in my room back here at home. Did you get all that? I feel like I’m going very fast inside so sometimes it doesn’t come out smooth enough to be vaguely clear. Is it vaguely clear enough? Mooohaaa!!
Anyways, in the course of cleaning out my room I found a frame on the ground. I picked it up and saw that it was the yearbook page my parents had put together my senior year of high school. Ahh! What a time snapper! And on the page was some advice I was given when I was going in to the cyclone of college, and now, looking back from the other side of the cyclone for the first time, I give pause to soak it in. Re-calibrate it if you will to find new dimensions of time-tucked wisdom,...

Dear Cole,
Well congratulations, you actually made it. I’ll admit that for a while I had my doubts. But you’ve grown a lot the past few years and you seem to have a pretty good mind in that head of yours, so here’s my advice for the next four years:
1. There’s a lot to learn in college. Some of it happens in the classroom, most of it doesn’t. That doesn’t mean one is more important than the other.
2. 2. Everyone you meet will have different motivations for what they’re doing. Some people do things for money, some people do things for grades, some people do things without ever knowing why, but you should do it for the sake of Quality. If you don’t know what that means yet, you’ve got four years to figure it out.
3. Don’t go to college to prepare yourself for a career, because that just distracts from your education.
4. Always ask why. I know people who could identify every kind of button on every uniform of every unit that fought in the Civil war, but if you ask them why the South seceded they wouldn’t have a clue. Which do you think is more important?
5. Some of your best work will be done after four-thirty in the morning.
6. Finally, don’t worry too much about what you’re doing, where you’re going or how you’re going to get there, even if everyone else seems to. Just enjoy where you are, strive for Quality, and everything else will fall into place, as it should. If nothing else, have faith in that.

Love, Brooks


Keller WIlliams

Give it to me—your energy
Can I subscribe to your vibe?
Give it to me—your energy
Can I subscribe to your vibe?
Such a strong appeal
To your sense of feel
Give it to me—your energy
Can I subscribe to your vibe?
Give it to me—your energy
Can I join your tribe?

Routine ramble through the motions
As I swerve right off the path
Mind is so fine
It goes so straight when the road winds
I like to think it’s an art that you craft

Mold it, paint it, shape it, play it
Do your thing is what I say
Mold it, paint it, shape it, play it
Mold it, paint it, shape it, play it
Do your thing is what I sing
Such a strong appeal
To your sense of feel
Mold it, paint it, shape it, play it
Do your thing is what I say
Mold it, paint it, shape it, play it
Mold it, paint it, shape it, play it
Can I be your thing?

Nothing binds
It just loosely hangs
As I try to keep my hands on the wheel
Right of way is just mine today
You can take me anywhere you feel

Harvest kind, don’t do time
All you need is the seed
Harvest the kind, don’t do the time
All you need is the seed
Such a strong appeal
To your sense of feel
Harvest kind, don’t do time
All you need is the seed
Harvest the kind, don’t the do time
A leader’s got to lead

Take a little drive around the U.S.A.
No need to pack
We’ll pick up a stuff along the way
Mind is so fine
It goes so straight when the road winds
I’m so glad she likes it that way

Give it to me—your energy
Can I subscribe to your vibe?
Give it to me—your energy
Can I join your tribe?

1 comment:

b.a.s. said...

a time-snapper indeed. gets one thinkin' about old times. cole, i gotta say it's been a pleasure watching you go through college, and especially this past summer. you said you were going to "ramble around the country" and you did just that, and some of your exploits were downright hilarious ("what? oh you mean the hat. no, i just saw journey play there"..."you can't rent me the car one way? okay, well, then i guess i'll just bring it back"-"sir, that's 1700 miles...") for what it's worth, i think you've got a pretty good idea what Quality means. i respect you a lot as a brother and a friend, and you've taught me lot more than you probably realize. now i gotta go before i get all misty. love ya man.


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