Monday, December 29, 2008

The magic of a $20 Christmas Tree

Secret ingredients: coat hangers, wooden support beam, green tinsel, green tissue paper, pack of ribbons for $1.99, a few balloons for good measure, some old timey ornaments from your past donated by your mother, the cheapest colored lights in Carl's two days before Christmas and you are good to go.

Note: Be sure to make Peppermint Bark after midnight so as to include the sleeping roomates as much as possible in the process of crushing the peppermint.

$20 Christmas tree. Amount of love put into it: priceless.

It is so hot up here.

Dude, where's my car?

Grab-bag Cutthroat Christmas Gift Scramble!

Title: Snowman Holding a helium balloon. Medium: clay.

Trying to make an equilibrium helium balloons.

The Christmas Eve's Eve party vibe in a picture.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Keller Williams @ The Belly Up.

It feels so great to see your favorite musician at a home court venue. I almost forgot what it felt like. It is nice to have a home court again. It has been a while.

I wish I was a headlight on a north bound train...


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